At age 24 I beame an instant aunty-mom of 3 toddlers.
I remember having no idea of what I was actually stepping into,
Other then knowing that there was no way I could let these 3 innocent children go into the system.
My whole world changed over night.
And it needed to, it could no longer be consumed with the petty things it once was. It was now filled with caring for 3 little ones and all that this role now meant for me.
It was a big one,
I had to let go of my part time home esthetics business,
I had to move about an hour away from my daytime job in Saskatoon, so we could have a place we could afford and that was big enough for us,
And I had to learn what it really meant to take care of kids, not just myself anymore.
That was a really hard year for me, with huge life transitions. The life that I once knew had changed forever, in a blink of an eye.
Have you had experiences like this, not the same situation but life altering, challenging and (often) intensly painful?
These are the experience that really shape us, really changed the direction that life was going.
My life has been full of these experiences, and challenges that have almost broke me many times.
Well, felt like they were breaking me,
And I felt alone, broken, and like it was hard to breath, often.
I remember thinking so many times, that life was not suppose to be this painful. I must be doing something wrong.
I often hated myself but I knew I was a good person, It just didn't make sense.
And that's why I stepped into Soul Therapy School 9 years ago.
It wasn't because I wanted to become a Soul Therapist,
It was because I couldn't live my life in the pain I felt I was continually living in.
For me, this path was the change I needed.
It changed my perspective of my life, me and the way I chose to live it.
It changed the emense inner hate I had for myself most days.
And this is why I wanted to become a Licensed Soul Therapist.
I wanted to support others the way I was supported.
I wanted to let others know that it's OK to feel what you do, and that you are not broken or a failure, or unworthy of self love,
No matter how you are feeling in your inner world.
I wanted to help others through the intense pain life can feel.
Because we all need support,
We all need to feel loved and needed.
We just have our own unique journey's,
And it fills my heart when I am working one-on-one with a client or in my circles,
As I watch the women bring awareness in and let go of false truths they felt they had to live in, because they knew nothing else.
As we step into 2024, if you want to experience YOU more, your authentic self...
Under all those layers of limitations, restrictions and conditionings,
Please reach out, you don't have to go through this alone.
I am here to support you, to help you see yourself, your true amazing Soul that has always been there inside, waiting for you.
I have a 6-Week Soul Therapist Awakening Sessions Program that may be just what you are looking for.
(The Awakening Sessions bring you to an awareness of where you have created limitations based on past conditioning. This awakening is life-changing and will impact any current situations that have been holding you back from experiencing your truth, choices, and life direction of what is best for you.)
Or maybe joining in on an upcoming circle will be the support you desire.
Either way, I am here to support you.
I do what I do, because all that I have experienced in this life.
Remember you are loved and needed, sweet Soul.
May January 2nd, 2024 be filled with remembering how valuable you are.
We are all in this together
Much love, always
Wendy Anne Walker - Awaken to Your Authentic Self
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